Biotech Labs Methandienone – 100 tabs -10 mg




Biotech Labs Methandienone – 100 tabs – 10 mg

Methandienone, Dianabol, D-bol or Methandrostnolone is a strong steroid. Methandienone is an oral steroid that have a strong impact on protein exchange. This steroid influences on the increased protein synthesis, hence it speeds up the production of proteins in the body. This effect is expressed in the mean positive nitrogen balance in the body. Methandienone has a positive impact on the balance of calcium.

Preparation aromatise, part of the substance is converted into oestrogen, therefore, it is not recommended before competitions.

In most cases, this problem is avoided by taking Clomid, Nolvadex or Proviron, so some athletes use it 3-4 days before the race. The doses ranges from 2 table. up to 20 or more tablets daily


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