
Winstrol 40 tabs Desma




Stanozolol Tablets belongs to the most widely used orally-taken anabolic-androgenic steroids.
It owes its popularity amongst bodybuilders to Stanozolol, its active substance, whose unique
properties cause, that the product can be used in both bulking cycles and preparation for
competitions with perfect results.

Stanozolol tablets cause no excessive retention of water in the body. For this feature, it is so
popular in the cutting cycles. Bodybuilders, who use Stanozolol tablets during bulking cycles,
love it for its ability to lead to the growth of high quality, stable muscles which remain present
even after the use of Stanozolol is ended.

For the purposes of preparation for competitions, the stack of Stanozolol tablets with trenbolone
acetate, methenolone enanthate, oxandrolone, fluoxymesterone or testosterone propionate is
recommended to achieve the best results. During bulking cycles, bodybuilders combine Stanozolol
with oxymetholone, testosterone-mix or trenbolone to maximize effects of the steroids.

Men should never use more than 30 mg of Stanozolol tablets in one day. For women, the maximal
daily dose is 10 mg of the product. The maximal period, for which it is possible to take Stanozolol
tablets, is eight weeks.

In case, when Stanozolol is used for a longer time than advised, it can have toxic influence on the liver.
Joint pain, headache, hypertension or high level of cholesterol can also appear.


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