
Tri Trenabol




Tri-Trenabol is an extremely powerful Trenbolone blend containing three active Trenbolone compounds mixed together in a single unit. On a functional basis, we will find Tri-Trenabol to be identical to all single ester Trenbolone compounds, which raises an important question, what’s the point? Tri-Trenabol was first developed in 2004 by the late underground lab British Dragon, the single largest and most powerful underground lab to ever exist. British Dragon carried a base of customers and built a company with profits that rivaled many legitimate pharmaceutical companies, but the company hasn’t existed in some time. When they created Tri-Trenabol, while a very effective anabolic steroid, it was manufactured more for marketing purposes than anything else. It is not superior or inferior to any Trenbolone form, but carrying three Trenbolone forms did create a certain level of marketing appeal. On a marketing basis, you could almost call the creation of the Tri-Trenabol compound genius.